Private house Weber
If we were to follow the saying that the shoemaker always has the worst shoes, the carpentry and home furnishings family Weber would live in modest conditions. But they don’t. On the contrary.
Product: Gran Paradiso 212° with band-saw cut & pre-weathered
Planning: Weber Wohndesign & Tischlerei
Photography Rights: Mareiner Holz © Katarina Pashkovskaya
Project Address: Lower Austria, Austria

After several consultation sessions with wood experts from Mareiner, the Weber family decided on a spruce facade from our workshop for their contemporary two-generation home. They also chose to have the tongue-and-groove planks treated at 212°C coated with a matte wood stain from Jotun Trebitt in the steel-gray shade VM 616. The result, covering over 500m², is a facade that looks fully plastered from a distance—yet, upon closer inspection, proves to be sustainably constructed.

Our goal is to provide individual solutions for various personalities that bring long-lasting joy. With the products from Mareiner, this is excellently achieved.