Chalets Steirereck Pogusch
Products: Piz Bernina, Ätna
Architecture: Viereck Architekten ZT-GMBH
Photography: Peter Ribton Photography
Project Address: Pogusch, Steiermark, Österreich

Four floating chalets, seamlessly embedded in nature, featuring a unique combination of wood and steel construction.
The chalets, affectionately called ‘birdhouses,’ at the summit of the Pogusch Pass hold a special place in our story. Firstly, because there is nothing quite like them—offering breathtaking views deep into the Mariazell region and across to the majestic Hochschwab. These chalets are total works of art, crafted from brushed larch, with our Piz Bernina wall panel playing its part in ensuring that ‘Woodpecker,’ ‘Bullfinch,’ ‘Cuckoo,’ and ‘Owl’—the quartet of birdhouse chalets—blend seamlessly into the forested landscape of Upper Styria.

The Creation of a Product Line
Secondly, because in our quest for the perfect interior design, we became captivated by the idea of giving the traditionally two-dimensional wall panel a new dynamic by introducing a third dimension—marking nothing less than the birth of our intricately interwoven Irregolare series. With its varying levels, structures, color combinations, and surfaces, each individual composition of planks creates unique depth effects, light and shadow plays. Every wall becomes a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.