WaldSpa Naturhotel Fischerwirt

Surrounded by greenery. Among ash, fir, beech, and spruce trees: The WaldSpa at Naturhotel Fischerwirt.

Product: Kebony, verkohlt und beschichtet
Architecture: Kirchmayr Planung GmbH
Photography: Mareiner Holz © Katarina Pashkovskaya
Project Address: Salzburg, Österreich

The Naturhotel Fischerwirt is a gem in the treasure chest of the Salzkammergut: Surrounded by meadows, forests, mountains, and the crystal-clear Hintersee. It’s no surprise that the signs point toward expansion. Over time, an idea begins to emerge: to create a spa area that stands apart from conventional wellness zones simply due to its location in the family-owned forest. The round conference table becomes the place where this idea is solidified. Seated around it are the two generations of the Ebner family, carpenter Martin Thurner, designer Franz Kirchmayr, who specializes in gastronomy, and us at Mareiner.

A retreat that guarantees absolute relaxation and fresh, invigorating air. © Mareiner Holz, Katarina Pashkovskaya
Close to nature: In the forest and made from the forest – the spa area of Naturhotel Fischerwirt near Salzburg. © Mareiner Holz, Katarina Pashkovskaya

Black as ebony

It soon becomes clear that the wood facades will be monochrome black. This sparks an intensive discussion about the most suitable wood, the depth of charring necessary for the desired shade, and the right coating. The decision is made for deeply charred Kebony, which must be completely knot-free to achieve the identical look. In total, this involves a facade area of 800m2.

A beautiful project that, despite local competition, ultimately goes to Mareiner. This is due to both the impressive sample presentation and the quality of the coating, which follows a Mareiner secret recipe. With mathematical precision, we work alongside master carpenter Thurner to trim the board lengths to the optimal yield—and ultimately, we are also present for the final inspection of the WaldSpa, which has since been equally loved by the Fischerwirt family and their guests.

WaldSpa Naturhotel Fischerwirt with charred Mareiner Kebony facade elements