No matter what you say about wood, the most important thing can hardly be put into words. Its power comes from the forest and from the connection that a tree creates between the earth and the sky. Then there is its sensuality and charisma: scent, feel, look and atmosphere. Not to mention its almost endless versatility.
As you may have already guessed, we have become addicted to wood and working with it. In our board finishing plant in Sankt Marein in Styria, we make the best out of the tree for you.
The center of the Mürztal
In the beginning, we had the board in mind, which today is more relevant than ever: dignified wood for floors, walls and ceilings, plus furniture construction. Floors. Terraces. And design panels. So our manufacturing plant for board finishing in Mürztal has become the centre where everything comes together. And from here, it goes out again into the world.

In the Styrian capital of Graz, with its many attractions, or in neighbouring Kapfenberg, with its huge steelworks, the special nature of the surroundings is obvious. In Sankt Marein im Mürztal, it is only apparent at second glance. This is where water, fire, sharp blades and a passion for wood are used to create unique items for designing living spaces. But see for yourself!
Let’s go for it!
The annual rings of the trees, to which we owe the material and substance of our work, contain the world history of decades. Sometimes even of centuries. Like the wood, we at Mareiner also have our history and our DNA.
With both feet firmly on the ground, we have one foot in the tradition of Styrian woodworking. The other is in uncharted territory: we are constantly experimenting with new processing and production methods and working on innovations for our range. We also love to respond to our customers’ requests, who have inspired us so often with their suggestions and wishes.

100 % Nature
We completely avoid the use of toxins and chemicals in our work. Our wood finishing is based exclusively on honest work. Work that we do with our hands and the classic tools of woodworking. As well as with the help of fire, water and alcohol. Our 100% claim also extends to the oils and glazes that we use.
We only use boards from responsibly managed forests with sustainability certification. We obtain the lion’s share regionally from ecologically managed forests.

without waste
Out of respect for wood as a material and a resource, we use 100% of our raw material: the shavings and sawdust that accumulate everywhere we plane and cut are sucked up into the two large silos in our briquetting tower and from there into the briquetting plant. Anything too large for briquetting goes to the small Kelag heating plant right on our factory premises, which provides the people of Sankt Marein with plenty of heat during the cold season.

A Well-Rounded Matter
The founder of the Mareiner timber tradition is Alois Posch, who establishes the Styrian Farmers’ Association and becomes a member of the Imperial Council in the second half of the 19th century. He operates his sawmill and mill in Sankt Marein sustainably with green electricity from two hydroelectric power plants. In 1934, Adolf Mattner leased the Posch sawmill and pushed its automation to the forefront of what was technically possible at the time.
Soon, the Mattner sawmill was the most modern timber industry operation in the area, and in the 1980s it even became the largest timber exporter in all of Europe: The wood from Sankt Marein goes out into the world via the ports of Trieste, Rijeka and Koper. We take on Mattner’s legacy in 1996, following a few turbulent years. We are no strangers to the export business either, but we consciously approach it a size smaller than our ancestors did . And in return, it is a size more refined.