Waldspa Naturhotel Fischerwirt

In the heart of nature. Between ash, fir, beech, and spruce trees: The WaldSpa of Naturhotel Fischerwirt. A retreat that guarantees absolute relaxation and fresh air. Enhanced with a Mareiner Kebony facade featuring a charred surface design. A masterpiece, exclusive & unique.

Product: Kebony, charred and coated
Architecture: Kirchmayr Planung GmbH
Photography: Mareiner Holz © Katarina Pashkovskaya
Project Address: Salzburg, Austria

The Naturhotel Fischerwirt is a gem in the treasure chest of the Salzkammergut: Surrounded by meadows, forests, mountains, and the crystal-clear Hintersee. No wonder that the signs point toward expansion. Gradually, an idea emerges: to create a spa area that stands out simply by its location in the family-owned forest, setting it apart from conventional wellness zones. The round meeting table becomes the place to solidify this idea. Sitting around it are the two generations of the host family Ebner, the woodworker Martin Thurner, the gastronomy-focused designer Franz Kirchmayr, and we from Mareiner.

It soon becomes clear that the wooden facades should be monochrome black. A thorough discussion unfolds about the most suitable wood, the depth of charring required for the desired color, and the appropriate coating. This leads to the decision to use deeply charred Kebony—completely knot-free for the identical look. The total facade area amounts to 800m².

A beautiful project that, despite regional competition, ultimately goes to Mareiner. This is due to both the convincing samples and the quality of the coating, based on a Mareiner secret recipe. In full transparency, we work with master woodworker Thurner to mathematically optimize the plank lengths for the least amount of waste—finally, we are also there for the final inspection of the WaldSpa, which continues to delight the Fischerwirt family just as much as their guests.